Short Bio

Kadra Nevitt is a pastel realist. Her main themes are western scenes, she works to showcase the lifestyle in unique and timeless ways.


I am an artist based in Fort Scott, KS, who specializes in pastel artwork. My work heavily focuses on realism, which is my main aesthetic focus. I am self taught using pastels since the early 2000’s, my earlier works were pencil works. Pastels I feel are able to provide a rich color to my works without loosing my love of “ drawing “. Western scenes and portraits are of particular interest to me and my pieces often reflect the depth and beauty of the region, and beyond. I strive to capture “ moments “ in time and to share those with others. A unique perspective, like sitting on a special horse watching the sunrise, or a peaceful stream from my childhood. My pieces often offer a glimpse of the life, culture and people of the Midwest region, but also the Pacific Northwest where I was born and raised. Through my pastel artwork, I seek to bring my experiences to life and to explore the beauty that the west has to offer through the landscape and rural life around me.


Kadra Nevitt is a self taught artist and has been drawing her whole life, she remembers telling her older brother that horses are not green and stay in the lines when coloring as a 4/5 year old.
Realism, outdoors, pets, and the western lifestyle are her theme. She has owned horses most of her life so horses, rodeos and pasture scenes are the undercurrent in her works.
Kadra sold her first commissioned work at 14 and has been kept busy since , creating pet portraits or just outdoor scenes. She has been a part of numerous western art shows, throughout the US. She has shown in galleries throughout the west and Midwest. She has sold works internationally as well as being in traveling exhibitions like Paint the Parks.
Her medium of choice is pastels on velour, but has done many pencil and water color works in the past. Focusing on realism, with a soft yet natural touch.
Kadra was born in Enumclaw Washington, where she spent most of her life until 2020 when her and her husband ( a Kansas native ) relocated to Kansas. She enjoys the outdoors, and pursuing her horse related goals. Her family and church are her inspiration. A self description is “ I am just copying the greatest artist of all time - God “